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Surge Crusher Доступные На Гонконге дробилка Китай

The Surge Crusher Brushless RC Racing Boat is one of the best RC Boat's around and featuring authentic and stylish detailing. This craft is perfect for pools, ponds, rivers and lakes. Featuring a CNC aluminium alloy rudder, the Surge Crusher uses an efficient 3.2mm flex …

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На сайте функционирует форум, на котором вы можете обсудить интересующие вас вопросы касательно FL Studio, поделится опытом, попросить помощи, выложить свои творения и …

With its powerful 14.8V 90A 3660 size powerplant, fiberglass hull and aluminum alloy hardware, this is one serious race boat! This is the Super Version which offers impressive features such as:

The electric Joysway Surge Crusher is also up there in the high performance Semi Pro arena, where customers demand high speed and handling. The advertised speed is given as 60 km/h so stick around while I put it through similar test areas to the other boats and see how it comes out.

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Aug 26, 2011· The cheap Surge Crusher seems to be motorized on the edge, causing heat issues, judging by the comments. The more expensive one has a bigger motor, which will handle 4S easily. On 6S you may have to prop down, as the handling seems to suffer.

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Oct 01, 2010· It was my first run. I didn't run it at max power...You can get this boat from HobbyKing for a good price. It is a joysway product. You will need a good pair of lipo (2X3S) I have tried first with ...

Inspired by the fastest full-size offshore catamarans, this Surge Crusher features brushless motor, Speed controller, a top quality fibreglass hull and factory installed 2.4GHz radio control system.