Imagine the joy you'd experience every time you opened your hangar door at Greenleaf Air Ranch. No waiting in line for take off, no ATC hassles, just the pure enjoyment of anytime-access to the Idaho sky. Located just west of the Boise airspace, Greenleaf Air Ranch makes for an easy launch to everything the West has to offer.
42°4'58.807"N Speedwell 75°18'52.753"W 42°5'41.816"N Beers Brook 75°9'42.135"W 42°7'40.057"N Roods Creek 75°19'55.894"W 42°4'12.112"N Cannonsville Recreational Boating Program D R Y D E N E L I N R O A D C H A M B R A B R O O K R R O A D F I S H L B R O O K N R O A D R I V E R K O A D R E A D B U R N R O A D S A N D S P C R E E K D R O A ...